"This will change your life... a way of being." 
"There are people better equipped for life because of Merilyn."

It's Time To Grow Wild



Special Announcement: price going up tomorrow

The Call


You are a visionary, yet... do you sometimes feel there are two conflicting parts of you?


This is the part of you that thinks big... dreams of the impact you can make.
Dreams of inspiring your world.
Dreams of growing a business with a purpose of integrity.
Dreams of liberating prosperity.

And then there's the SHRINKING VIOLET YOU.
The shy part.
The part that feels the (real) pressure to play small and stay safe. 

Or feels it's a lot of uncomfortable work to succeed.

The part of you that looks at yourself in the mirror and see's what's lacking.
The part of you that doesn't speak up.
The part of you that posts on social media and then wants to immediately delete it.

The part of you that feels the pressure to outwork your vision in a way that feels icky - because 'that's the way it's done', instead of trusting what lights you up. 


The good news... you are not alone.

Unfortunately society and generational pressures put limits on humans (especially women) wanting to be... WOW!

Especially in business.

We even give it a name "Tall Poppy Syndrome". A nasty way of cutting down anyone who dares to rise.

And what is worse, is that our own conditioned minds have the sharpest axe!


Our brains and our nervous systems wire themselves to ensure we never rise up, stand out, and never have success that lasts, despite how many courses we enrol in. 

And if we do rise up... then we fear we will lose it, or be replaced, or get caught in an approval loop. 


The Tall Poppy Syndrome is an affliction that holds you back from everything you desire.

Wow relationships.
Wow prosperity.
Wow confidence.
Wow freedom.
Wow life.

The Tall Poppy Society is where you learn the remedies to not only rise up... but GROW WILD. 



Tall Poppy Society exists to liberate yourself to grow wild.

With weekly, monthly and seasonal calls that help you:


Identify the areas where you are not rising, and where you feel contained or limited in your growth. This might be because of how you think, or how you've been 'programmed' to do business, e.g. strategies that just don't suit you. 


Change your thinking, feeling and actions from the inside out.  With permanent and repeatable results that feel good. This isn't conventional mindset teaching that is taught (which is often shame based and very 'masculine').


Switching from reaction-led to wow-led. This is the ultimate freedom - empowering you to rise bravely. You'll learn to hear your wise inner leader and lead yourself through every aspect, challenge and celebration that comes as you grow wild. 


Tall Poppy Society starts out as a guide, but soon becomes a home and a reminder of your unique magnificence. 

A reminder to rise and keep rising - to stand taller and taller. 



 This is the place where you stop the pressure to play small - and learn to GROW WILD instead.

Imagine truly being the Tall Poppy you were born for...   


☆ That free-spirited visionary that you are... whatever field that might be, e.g. creative, solo-preneur, leader, influencer, coach, consultant, business owner or career woman.

☆ A person who is building an on-purpose Great Life Work.

☆ A person that knows how to grow wild from the inside out and isn't waiting for external permission from anyone.

☆ A person who is lit up by words like legacy, freedom, prosperity, inspiration and beauty.

☆ A person who healthily dances between masculine strategies and feminine magnetism.

 ☆ A person who knows that the art of their life might just change the world.


I invite you to join Tall Poppy Society today

"Tall Poppies is the most significant and important work of my life" 

- Merilyn Wilson Beretta


Our world needs a new flavour of humanity, a new way of doing business, a new kind of leadership and new thinking about success... in every field of life.

Who is going to do this? It might just be you!

After 30+ years in various organisations, I see clearly that we don't need more specialised experts. We don't need more mindset courses that are based on the presumption that there is something wrong with us. 

We actually need more versatile polymaths!

I created this club to be an activator and a reminder. A place to hold your vision in front of your face and not let you forget it, dumb it down, or shrink from it.

A place where you can actually GROW WILD.  

Because we NEED the art of your life to be seen, heard and felt.

Tall poppies are way more magnificent growing besides other tall poppies!

Tall Poppies is also a place of belonging... home

Whilst courses and coaching programs have their place, what is often missing is a 'workplace' - especially if you work from home and mainly by yourself.


Your family and friends often don't get what you do, right?
So it's important you have that sense of place you belong to - a place to plug into and be energised.

So that's why Tall Poppies is an ongoing membership.
A club. A society. A family. From w
hatever your starting point is. 

We are tall poppies, not shrinking violets 

How Tall Poppies Works

The schedule is constantly growing, evolving, changing. 
The below is what's on now. All live calls are often repeated twice - timezone friendly for Australia, Europe & USA. 

Every live call also takes you through the process of identifying where you are not rising, changing the conditioning, and listening to your wise inner-leader.  

We start each season with a plan, then each week you work on that plan!


Every Monday we have a live activation call to start our week off energised. Potent rituals, rhythms, planning and inner voice sessions. 


Just before the new month: a call to get focused on growing wild for the new month. Plus empowering new teaching from Merilyn.


Mid month live call for asking questions, getting coached and going deeper.


A facilitated live planathon call, with workbook, to strategise your quarter. Held just before the start of Spring, Summer, Autumn/Fall and Winter. 


The Annual Visioning Growth Retreat. 



Your pdf digital copy of the Tall Poppy Yearbook. A planner with dozens of templates and exercises for growing wild.


 Permission to spread your wings. A self-paced course to understanding yourself and others. Value $333.


What lights you up? A self-paced course to explore who you are, what lights you up and get clear on your calling. Value $444.


PLUS access to replays, growth tools and resources. And a private Facebook Group. 

If it takes a village to raise a child… it takes a global-village for Tall Poppies to rise taller.




USD billed monthly


Stay for a month. Or stay forever!
You can self-cancel anytime. Come back anytime.

No hoops to jump through.
No locked in time commitment.
No refunds.


“The day my path crossed with Merilyn is the day that changed the way I view everything” (Deb, Artist, UK)


“This will change your life" (Dr Khush, Nutritionist & Lecturer, UK).


"Merilyn's work is more than processes and techniques, it's a way of being. I will be forever in her debt not only for changing my life but the lives I impact."  (Monica, Branding Specialist, USA)


"There’s a real sense of friendship and support. A real circle. We just don’t feel alone."  (Deborah, course creator, UK).


"If you had told me, I would have gone this far in a year, I would not have believed it."  (Jacq, spiritual coach, France)




Got Questions?

Email: [email protected]