EP124 | How To Be A Stand Out Business, with Sarah Humphreys

In the rush to get online there's still a lot we can learn from brick and mortar businesses. My guest Sarah Humphreys shares from her 25 years in business, including offline and the events industry. She's built 6 success business, won the Women In Business Award in the UK and now is an ambassador for Mindvalley and well as coaching her own clients. You'll fall in love with Sarah (and her gorgeous accent!).
Free resources from Sarah:
Make Your Next Move: Discover my step-by-step process to help you to adapt your coaching business to meet your ideal clients needs right now and reignite your cash flow. Link to download.
E-magazine – Coaching Business Success Magazine,
Light Up Your Brand online courses – Coaching Business Success Path
Work With Me – 1:1 Coaching sessions and VIP Intensives
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