EP132 | Be Your Own Cheerleader (the power of PR) - with Caroline Joynson

Is PR still relevant in this age of social media? How can we self promote without being a self promoter? I'm chatting with PR expert Caroline Joynson about the power of PR and being your own cheerleader.
Caroline is a PR Strategist and the founder of Cheerleader PR. Her mission is to empower passionate business owners to promote themselves with confidence - helping them to gain media coverage and PR so they can raise their profile, build relationships and make more sales. With 20 years’ PR experience, Caroline offers PR coaching, courses and consultancy. She works with clients locally, nationally and internationally, helping them to get clear on their message and share it alongside their unique story and expertise.
Caroline is a mum of two and is based in Leeds, UK.
Caroline was recently featured in the UK Metro. Click to read.
Join her free Facebook group: FB group
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