233. From Corporate Executive To Self-Healing Coach - with Gül Sönmez

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My guest today, Gül Sönmez, worked in big multinationals like P&G, Coca-Cola, and Amazon for 15 years. Then, roughly 8 years ago, she noticed she was manifesting injuries and pain on her physical body (neck, meniscuses, back, and thyroids).
Even though she had a nice job, a nice marriage, and a nice home, her picture-perfect life was giving her no purpose or meaning, and it was wreaking havoc on her body.
Gül searched for solutions with modern medicine and therapies, but nothing could help her inner pain. She became obsessed with self-healing and studied three different religions, read more than a hundred healing books, and practiced Shamanism, breathwork, Kundalini, EFT, and more... but something was always missing.
Her path radically changed in 2017 when she left Turkey and moved to Luxembourg, leaving her job, marriage, friends, and teachers behind for a corporate job with Amazon. This path led her to work with her first client: a friend’s son had a brain surgery on a tumor and she asked if she could go to the hospital for healing. It looked like she was his healer, but in reality he was hers.
As the famous poet Rumi famously said, “What you seek is seeking you.”
From there, the demand for her work exploded, and Gül began working with many clients from various backgrounds and religions. She earned her coaching certification and began combining the healing modalities and energy work skills she’d accumulated over the years during her sessions.
Gül’s path shifted once more in 2019 when she started to become a clear channel for her and her clients’ energies; they were revealing buried memories and root causes of traumas without her even asking. Leaning into this intense calling, she left her job and traveled around the world for months, learning how to channel and incorporate it all into her practice. This journey helped her to discover herself, realize her fears, and gave her the courage to completely change everything in her life!
Gül now serves clients from all around the world, forging her path as a 6-figure entrepreneur through her unique transformational energy work. In her own words, she is “not healing or sending energies to make you feel better for a short period of time; you are walking along this transformational path to initiate profound changes in your inner world.”
Website: purposefulvibes.com | Instagram
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