248. Chasing The Time Freedom Dream - with Julie Ciardi

My guest today is business coach Julie Ciardi. She’s a former high performing Fortune 500 marketing VP who felt that frustration of ‘something more’ and her story of making the big change in life to running her own business is inspiring.
She’s got some really practical advice on the subject. She’s done it. She’s done it as a mum of three and her marriage in tact!
I think you’ll instantly feel drawn to Julie’s story, just like I did.
Julie believes that there has never been a better time for women to create an additional income stream that is aligned to her passions and purpose on this planet.
She also believes that it is the wild wild west out there for these women; they are wasting so much time and money and not MAKING money. It is causing friction with their spouse, affecting their confidence, and robbing them of their dreams. With this in mind, Julie is dedicated to helping women create profitable side hustles that give them joy, purpose and profit with proven, timeless business strategies in today's online world.
Julie is the creator of IGNITE University - a one of a kind program to ignite purpose, passion and profit with proven methodologies in business as well as creating a mastermind space for like minded women.
Website: julieciardi.com
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