EP49 | Who do you think you are?

When I was a really young, like 3-4, I used to want to be invisible. Then I went through a super shy phase and I couldn’t even smile when a camera was out. When I was 13 I got my hair cut really short and I remember a boy in my class saying ‘who do you think you are’!
I wasn’t raised to lead. Most of us aren’t. So we feel awkward saying ‘I’m an expert in.....’
But we must. As an entrepreneur, artist, author, photographer, ________ (fill in the blank), we must be brave and be known for something. We must take the lead. In something. And it’s more than a matter of positioning, although that is key if you want to grow a great business.

Otherwise we are invisible and our worlds miss out on what we have to give. So here’s a question... what are you known for? What are you the best at? What are you the leader in?
Time to lead. Our world needs you. Who do you think you are? You are remarkable. 

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