EP68 | Talking business with mom of 8, Monica Perez Burnett

If having the kids at home during this pandemic is tough, think about Monica Perez Burnett who has 8 kids (including 2 sets of twins)!
On this episode we chat about what it's like to run a business from home.
Monica is a Visibility/Branding coach with 28 years of experience in various industries. She helps mom-preneurs find hacks that make business, family, and personal life effortless. She loves to demystify the idea that having a business means you are in constant overwhelm and stress. She believes strongly that every mom-preneur has been called to leadership and finding their voice to go from invisible to influential is a priority.
Monica's details: Monica's website | Monica's MomPreneurHacks
And her free "10 Life Saving Apps For The Busy Mom-Preneuer"
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