EP79 | Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, when I finished university, the world was in recession. It was a bummer, as I'd spent 6 loooong years studying for an Architecture degree.

But there were no jobs.

The recession at the time (early 1990's) meant that most of my graduating class had to delay their dreams. 

Instead, I pivoted in a new direction. 

I went into photography, which led to a move to training & development, which led to me moving to the UK for an international company... which let me to consulting (specifically change management and business strategy)... which ultimately led me to start my own brand.

Massive personal change (i.e trauma, although we don't like to call it that) led to a wake up call. And that wake up call stirred in me to start my own business. 

In a recession!

I also remember clearly the crash in 2008. 

I remember clearly the emotional overwhelm and stress that many went through. I remember clearly my husband being one of the first wave of people to lose his job. Whilst at the same time I was working with and helping brands THRIVE during that very same recession.

Looking back, I can see now that during every recession, every downturn, every 'doom and gloom' report, I found myself either personally pivoting my career or helping others through it.

I guess I'm very much at home during disruptive, changing times. I don't meant the literally 'home' that we are all experiencing.

I've helped lead multiple businesses and organisations through either massive change and/or recession and out the other side... stronger! 

But here's a twist... 

Whilst I've always been known for wearing productivity jogging shoes (aka people would say my superpowers include strategy, organisation and getting stuff done). 

...when I started building my own personal brand, the entrepreneurial rollercoaster sent me to physical and emotional crash.

What worked in corporate didn't work as an entrepreneur. 

I needed a productivity ‘cure’.  

It wasn't just about strategy, planning and taking action (although that's important). It's also about how we handle (thrive/lead) change. How we ride the emotional impact of not only building our own business, but doing it with uncertain outcomes. 

And that's why and how I first developed my popular programme: The Productivity Cure 1.0. 

I took my decades of experience and developed a new system for myself.  And it worked… even whilst juggling solo-parenting and recovering from adrenal fatigue. 

I'm about to teach The Productivity Cure 2.0 - updated for the disruptive times we are living right now. 

The Productivity Cure 2.0
Live, online, open workshop | 14-23 April 2020
An anti-hustle online retreat to help you beat overwhelmrecession-proof your business and get massive clarity during these challenging times (even if you haven't started your business yet).

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