Podcast | Your Biz, Your Rules podcast

Every day, around 7.30am, I take my golden retriever for a walk. He knows the route so well by now. We have a favourite park where I let him off the lead and as he runs he looks like a dog in a commercial... hair blowing in the wind and if we are lucky, sunlit from behind. Another wow-moment I smile at every single day.
I love these walks. As it's my podcast-time too. Every single day I listen to a podcast or two.
Well, guess what? The other day I was interviewed by the fabulous Daire Paddy on all things productivity. And oh how I love love love her accent.
Go listen. It's a goodie.
Your Biz, Your Rules | EP 27: Making Space For Productivity (+ Planners) With Merilyn Beretta
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