The WowArchetype has gone viral!


Woah... that was completely unexpected!

I've just had over 3000 7000 people do My WowArchetype quiz.

In just a few months.


Plus oodles and oodles of shares and comments!

Seems I'm not the only one who loves personality profiles.


But I reckon we all love figuring out why we do what we do (and especially why others tick us off!).

Check out these comments:

Romana: "... your quiz is just brilliant. Thank you. I love how you explain personality wows and woes in an easy going way and how to apply it on different entrepreneurial topics. And of course, I'm the PassionMaker Type... who would have guessed. ðŸ˜Š"

Brenda: "That is me to the letter."

Denise: "All true! LOL"

Anika: "I really liked the fact that I am the heartmaker type and got a couple of new things that I hadn’t realised were part of it.  I was just wondering if there was some other distinction because you’re not just going to be all of one thing.  Do you have like sub-parts or something?"

You know my answer, right?

ABSOLUTELY YES! We're all a complex blend of all four.

So because there's WAY more to discover I teach a short course called... ta-dah....

The WowArchetype Workshop!
How to lead at life & business (and be an awesome 
people person), by discovering your WowArchetype!

Oh, and btw, its free!

I've got a story to tell as to why it's free...

As you probably know (all over social media) - I just got back from the most life changing business retreat of my life.

In Iceland!

But one of the really big decisions I made on the way home to Sydney was:

I want to do a year of free courses!  

Maybe longer (if it's really popular).

Two years ago I did The Productivity Cure - 265 people did that one. 
Last month I taught Lead Your Mind - 277 people did that one.

This one will probably have 1000's!

And I'm soooo ready for that. 

This won't be a 'video series' or a taster... nor will it be plenty of 'what' but no 'how' (which all the launch gurus tell you to do). 

This will be bonafide (aka real) course.


Because hands up who has bought a course but still hasn't got past the first few lessons?


We all have good intentions, but little time. 

Especially business owners.

So if I run limited time free courses (with real coaching calls too), then we all do it together...

... and we all see bigger results. 

And it's a way to truly 'test drive' me!

Because I'm not much into sales tactics (and am sick of the traditional launches). 

I'm of the belief that if you like me, and want to keep working with me, you can (and get to keep the course for longer too). 


Have a great week! Go lead it!